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The Benefits of Telehealth in Nursing Homes

Discover the numerous advantages of implementing telehealth services in nursing homes and how it can improve the quality of care for residents.

Enhancing Access to Healthcare

Telehealth services in nursing homes can greatly enhance access to healthcare for residents. With telehealth, residents can receive medical consultations, assessments, and follow-up care without having to leave the facility. This is especially beneficial for residents who may have mobility issues or live in remote areas where access to healthcare providers is limited. Telehealth eliminates the need for transportation and reduces the barriers to receiving timely medical care.

Furthermore, telehealth allows nursing home residents to connect with specialists and healthcare professionals who may not be physically present at the facility. This means that residents can receive expert medical advice and consultations without the need for physical travel. Telehealth also enables healthcare providers to remotely monitor residents' health conditions and provide necessary interventions, ensuring that residents receive timely and appropriate care.

Improving Quality of Care

Implementing telehealth services in nursing homes can significantly improve the quality of care provided to residents. Telehealth enables healthcare providers to have real-time access to residents' medical records, allowing for more accurate and comprehensive assessments. This ensures that residents receive personalized and evidence-based care.

Telehealth also promotes better coordination and collaboration among healthcare providers. With telehealth, different specialists can easily communicate and share information, leading to more coordinated and integrated care plans. This reduces the risk of medical errors and improves the overall quality of care.

Additionally, telehealth can enhance medication management in nursing homes. Healthcare providers can remotely monitor residents' medication adherence and provide necessary reminders or adjustments. This helps prevent medication errors and improves residents' overall health outcomes.

Reducing Healthcare Costs

One of the significant benefits of telehealth in nursing homes is its potential to reduce healthcare costs. By implementing telehealth services, nursing homes can minimize the need for costly hospital transfers and emergency room visits. Residents can receive timely medical consultations and interventions without the need for physical transportation, reducing overall healthcare expenses.

Telehealth also reduces the need for unnecessary in-person appointments, as healthcare providers can remotely assess and monitor residents' health conditions. This optimizes the utilization of resources and reduces healthcare expenditures for both residents and nursing homes. Additionally, telehealth can help prevent complications and hospital readmissions through early intervention and continuous monitoring, further reducing healthcare costs.

Increasing Patient Satisfaction

Telehealth services have the potential to increase patient satisfaction in nursing homes. With telehealth, residents can receive healthcare services in the comfort of their own rooms without the need for physical travel. This convenience and accessibility greatly contribute to residents' overall satisfaction with the care they receive.

Telehealth also enables residents to have more frequent and regular interactions with healthcare providers, as they can easily schedule virtual appointments. This improves communication and fosters a stronger patient-provider relationship, leading to higher levels of satisfaction. Additionally, telehealth reduces waiting times for appointments, allowing residents to receive timely care and avoid unnecessary delays.

Moreover, telehealth can enhance the overall experience for residents by providing access to specialized healthcare services that may not be available on-site. This expands the range of healthcare options for residents and improves their overall satisfaction with the nursing home's healthcare services.

Empowering Healthcare Providers

Implementing telehealth services in nursing homes can empower healthcare providers by enhancing their ability to deliver comprehensive and timely care. Telehealth enables healthcare providers to reach a larger number of residents and efficiently manage their healthcare needs.

Telehealth also provides healthcare providers with access to valuable resources and support. They can easily consult with specialists and share expertise, leading to better decision-making and improved care outcomes. Telehealth platforms also offer various tools and features that streamline documentation, record keeping, and communication, allowing healthcare providers to focus more on delivering quality care.

Furthermore, telehealth can help alleviate the workload for healthcare providers by reducing the need for in-person visits and repetitive tasks. This allows healthcare providers to allocate their time and resources more efficiently, leading to improved job satisfaction and overall productivity.

Get credit for QIPP Funds and Part B Reimbursements

When telehealth clinicians are scheduled on call to support nursing homes, these hours worked can also supplement RN staffing hours for QIPP compliance and reimbursement. Telehealth service providers will share monthly staffing reports with nursing homes for QIPP reporting and grant these facilities access to additional funds. Additionally, by submitting Medicare Part B Claims for Telehealth Originating Facility Fees, nursing homes can easily cover the cost of a telehealth service plus additional funds to supplement staffing costs.


Telehealth for Nursing Homes with LTHCareline 

LTHCareline is a DFW-based in-person and telehealth medical provider that partners exclusively with nursing homes. We use a telehealth platform that allows us to visually see, hear, and interact with our patients. LTHCareline achieves this with a simple user experience – nurses can send HIPAA-compliant text messages via smartphone to request and receive a live clinician video call to assess the patient within minutes. After a virtual visit is scheduled, a medical assistant or other designated person at your facility will provide patient vitals and act as an intermediary between doctor and patient.

If desired, patient caregivers, family members, or other medical specialists may be invited to join the telehealth visit for an efficient team-based approach to individual patient care.

Want to learn more about LTHCareline powered by LTHC Solutions? Just watch the brief video below and click HERE to schedule a consultation with their team

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CEO & Founder, Dr. Nakizito Kazigo, MD

COO, Jeff Perry

CFO, Dano Jukanovich